Music Program
The Music Program at St. Andrew’s is small but mighty! We are blessed with the talents of Music
Director Terry Jordan, who moves seamlessly from piano to organ to vocals. Terry’s background as popular entertainer in
Branson, Missouri, shines through as he offers creative arrangements of
traditional and modern hymns of praise. Accompanied occasionally by organist Scott Crow or guitarist Fran Rahn,
he engages the congregation in a joy-filled ministry of music.
Terry leads a talented St. Andrew’s Ensemble, made up of
Fran Rahn, Carolyn Williams, Heather White and Scott Potter. These dedicated singers give voice to the powerful
worship experience at St. Andrew’s – enlarging upon liturgy and praising God
with beautiful melodies. The group meets
weekly to rehearse pieces for each service.
St. Andrew’s also presents special musical programs for the
Grove community, such as a humorous “old-time Christmas” songfest or a
Branson-style concert with guest soloist. These events typically are fundraisers either for the church or for
local charities.
As always, we welcome members and visitors to add their
voices to the Music Program, by joining the Ensemble or simply joining us in
joyous praise.