A Brand New Year

A Brand New Year

Author: The Rev. Dr. David Bridges, Priest
December 28, 2021

We are about to embark on a brand new year. It includes 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months, or 8,760 hours. If you work five days a week, you will work about 260 days next year. If you work eight hours a day, you will work about 2,080 hours next year.

According to the old standard (8 hours work + 8 hours personal + 8 hours sleep = 24 hours), you will also have 2,080 hours of personal time, and 2,080 hours to sleep. If you resolve to attend church every Sunday, you will only spend about 104 hours in church next year.

If you resolve to practice daily prayer and reflection (15 minutes per day, M-F), you will spend about 65 hours on it next year. That means if you practice daily prayer and weekly worship, you will only be investing about 169 hours out of the 2,080 you have for personal time.

What will you get from your time if you follow these assumptions? Your work time will hopefully provide you with the funds needed to pay your bills and maintain a stable lifestyle. Your sleep time will hopefully provide you with necessary refreshment for your mind and body.

Your personal time will hopefully allow you to maintain relationships with family and friends, while you enjoy your favorite activities and hobbies. Of your 2,080 hours of personal time, if you spend the suggested 169 hours in prayer, study and worship, you will build a stronger, more confident faith, and your relationships will improve.

For example, if you spend 15 minutes in prayer and reflection every weekday before going to work, you will be starting your day with Lord Christ first in your mind. You will be better prepared for the stresses and difficulties of the day (unless you enjoy a totally stress-free life).

If you start each week in church on Sunday, you will experience the peace of giving-back a couple hours of the gift of time God has given you. If it seems like too much trouble to get up and go to church on Sunday (or whatever day you worship), you will miss-out on the blessings of sanctuary and fellowship.

If you don’t take any of this advice, another year will fly-by and you will be experiencing the same results you have gotten in years past. If past years have not been as fulfilling as you expected, it’s time for a change.

This is your chance to reset your habits for a better year in 2022. This is your chance to throw-out the old and reign-in the new. Be sure to take time, 15-minutes a day and 2-hours a week, for prayer, study, reflection, and worship. If you keep it up for 30-days, you will have developed a new habit, and a new you will soon emerge.

Have a happy and productive 2022!

Blessings and Peace to You All,
Fr. David+


555 E. Third Street | Grove, OK 74344
(918) 786-4113
