Rain on a Mown Field

Rain on a Mown Field

Author: The Rev. Dr. David Bridges, Priest
July 14, 2021

I was driving through NE Oklahoma the other day looking out at what seemed like thousands of acres of grass. It was about 2-3 feet tall and waving in the breeze. Then I saw a field that had been mown and baled.

There looked like hundreds of large, round bales scattered across a thousand acres of golden stubble. What had been green grass was now golden hay, and it will feed livestock through the winter. This was the middle of July and, with enough rain, there would be time to produce another mowing or two.

Without enough rain, the grass cannot grow to produce sufficient hay for the winter, and that will mean a difficult time for the farmer. There are times in all of our lives when we feel like the mown grass; cut-down and dry. We wish for rain to quench the thirst of our hearts when the scorching heat of trouble beats-down on us.

In these times we feel unable to grow spiritually, and may even believe there is no hope for our future. The unexpected loss of a loved one. Turmoil in our own lives. A sudden, unfavorable diagnosis. These are but a sampling of the times we feel cut-down and dried-out.

Yet, those bales of hay represent possibilities for the future. Although the grass has been cut, dried and baled, it contains nutrition for future life. Although we may feel cut, dried and baled, we contain the possibilities of the future.

We are constantly being invited to re-create ourselves in response to events and changes in our lives. I was in undergraduate school in the late 1970’s when the university started to transition from paper ledgers to computer-based bookkeeping.

I recall a room with rows of desks, occupied by bookkeepers. The last time I saw them they were clearing out their desks with tears in their eyes. Their occupations had been eliminated as they were being replace by computers.

There was an initiative by the university to provide new career training for these displaced workers. Many of them did learn new skills and begin new careers. Others decided to take early retirement.

Remember, when one door closes, another opens, and often multiple doors open. The end of one season of life is not the end of the story, it is an invitation to write a new chapter. Likewise, the end of this fleshly life is not the end of life.

God is all about new beginnings. Like rain on a mowed field, God showers us with grace to grow and prosper. When we feel like the mown grass, cut, dried and baled, we can be assured of God’s plan to re-create us for the next chapter.

“… we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and those who reside in love reside in God, and God resides in them.” (1 John 4:16)

Blessings and Peace to you All,
Fr. David+


555 E. Third Street | Grove, OK 74344
(918) 786-4113
